End-user solutions

Are you considering a technology refresh?
Does your organization have excess hardware taking up storage space, collecting dust, and costing you money?

This equipment is like melting ice and every day that hardware sits around, it is losing value! Let us maximize the return on your IT investment by purchasing back any hardware that still has residual value (generally within 3 1/2 years of age). There are no volume limits, and no purchase is required!

Sitting on hardware that is obsolete? We offer recycling services for proper environmental disposal, and issue certificates of destruction that meet all state, local, and federal EPA guidelines.

Disk sanitization services: IBC offers three methods to sanitize hard drives:

  1. Basic wipe disk application
  2. DOD 5220.22-M / HIPAA erasure. This method overwrites each sector of the hard drive three times. Each of the three passes writes a different character to the hard drive
  3. Destruction. This method physically destroys the hard drive shredding it.

Integrated transportation and flexible logistics are our specialty. We will customize a trade-in program specifically designed for your company’s requirements on a nationwide basis.

Need to purchase parts or systems that have been discontinued by the manufacturer?
We provide a procurement channel for you to purchase new and refurbished parts and systems from our vast inventory of end-of-life hardware! Submit a purchase request form online, or send an email to sales@pctradein.com with your purchasing requirements.